Tapping Tips Tuesday - Fear of Inadequacy

Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)/Tapping for fears of inadequacy or feeling inadequate.

This fear can show up at any time, any where. Why not try to remove the negative emotions from previous and future experiences so you can stand up and be, do and experience what you really want without the block of feeling or fearing inadequacy.

EFT/Tapping is that tool that can be used, by self application, to manage the stress response in the body.

For more information or to work with me please go to www.katiewalkereft.com or email me at hello@katiewalkereft.com

#lessanxious #eft/tapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #anxious #inadequate #inadequacy #happy #stressmanagement #emotionalwellness #stressfree #anxiousfree #confidence


Tapping Tips Tuesday - Fear of Failure Stopping You From Using Your Voice


Tapping Tips Tuesday - Fear of Being Judged