Tapping Tips Tuesday - Drinking to Manage Anxious Feelings

I used to drink to manage anxious feelings when going out into social settings to be around people I didn't know or if there was a function where I had to say a speech, which I love, but used to crap myself, and booze was what got me through it to be able to do it.

Sadly, I couldn't remember the next day if it went well or not and maybe it was crap and I didn't say what I wanted to say, but that was my copying tool. I have not drunk for nearly 2 years - a surprise for me and many who know me, but I had many reasons to stop.... I have since developed a program to support other women to give themselves a months period to go without alcohol.

This might seem like a manageable task, but a month can seem very looooooooooooooooooooooooooong when you're not drinking and that is what you do regularly and your go to when feeling stressed, anxious, can't cope, need to connect with others, life sucks, kids suck, husband suck, etc. Why not make a month without alcohol a journey of discovery and unpack what might be under the surface in a very gentle, safe and confidential way.

I am so passionate about women showing up and being, doing and experiencing a life they love and speaking fearlessly while doing it, that my work as an EFT Practitioner enables me to support women to do just that. And, supporting them to do it without the aid of booze, is really close to my heart and something that brings me joy knowing my own battle and journey with it and now experiencing an incredible life without it. So why not Go Dry 4 July - let's have some fun and get many benefits from doing it.

The secret sauce is EFT/Tapping - a stress management tool that is well and truly needed when you stop drinking and, I dare say, at the core of it, stress is what is making you drink - stress comes in many different sizes and packages...

Join me and my beautiful colleagues to get you through the month with a new lease on life and power tool that is going to help in many other areas of your life: https://www.katiewalkereft.com/store-... or contact me at hello@katiewalkereft.com for more information about this and the Breakthrough 2 Fearless Speaking program.

#alcoholfree #eft/tapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #stressmanagement #soberlife #sobercurious #noalcohol #sobriety #gowithoutalcohol #anxiousless #anxiousfree #changemylife


Tapping Tips Tuesday - Orienting Tapping


Tapping Tips Tuesday - Breakthrough 2 Fearless Speaking