Where it all began
For the last 20-something years, I have always been in people-focused roles. What I am currently doing is still people-focused, but a little different.
My career path and focus changed after a massive awakening when I was introduced, on an official level, to an incredible tool, which includes a number of techniques. These powerful techniques shifted some serious stuff—in fact, a good chunk of 40 years’ worth of stuff in quite a short period of time.
If you’re interested, here is my Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) / EFT tapping journey of healing and becoming a certified practitioner.
After using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) / EFT Tapping since I was 25 years old for a huge fear of public speaking (at the time I thought EFT was only used for public speaking fears not knowing or realising it can be used on just about everything), four years ago I did an official course in EFT and my world was opened to this incredible life-changing, energy-healing tool beyond just dealing with the public-speaking-shit-yourself-fear I experienced in my 20s.
I didn’t realise I could deal with core and limiting beliefs that have been playing out in my world, stopping me for achieving things I wanted, making me question myself, making me behave in negative ways at times and playing into self-sabotaging behaviour.
So, after the initial Level 1 and 2 training and being a qualified Counsellor at the time, I thought, I want and need to become Certified as an EFT Practitioner to be able to efficiently and competently facilitate my clients with their healing path because, I knew first hand, of the profound impact it can have.
I started the process of studying, working with clients, working with a mentor and I became a Certified Practitioner after one year in 2017 with EFTUniverse and EFT International (which was AAMET at the time). And, fast forward two years, excitingly, I recently qualified as an Advanced Certified Practitioner with EFT International (https://eftinternational.org/).
During both certification processes I had two of the best mentors who facilitated and supported me through it; Dr Peta Stapleton was my first mentor during the initial Certification and, Dr Craig Weiner was my second going through the Advanced Certified Practitioner. I would also like to add, complementary to the certification process, I have also undertaken a number of related EFT courses through the EFT Tapping Training Institute with Alina Frank and Craig Weiner, which have been invaluable and enhanced my skills, knowledge and competency incredibly.
Coming out the other end unscathed from my own work and certification process, I feel like I can sincerely provide a safe space for my clients, one of understanding, non-judgement and a space to enable and facilitate healing and growth for my clients.
My area of specialisation is working with mums who wear all the hats whilst working in some capacity.
These mums are mums who:
Have days of just wanting to run away and pack it in
Feel stressed
Feel anxious
Are feeling overwhelmed and can’t get through and achieve anything fully
Just want to stay in bed and tell everyone to BACK OFF (I would usually use a stronger expletive, but trying to modify my choice language)
Sit down for 5 minutes to hear MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!
Have days of feeling so guilty for reacting the way they did to their child/children’s behaviour, but just doing the best they can in the moment
Feel resentful and angry
Might turn to winos just to calm down
Having worked from when my daughter was only three months old, part-time initially, and then very quickly full-time, whilst studying and ensuring time for my daughter, partner, family and friends, I know what it is like to experience all of the above.
And, if it weren’t for Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) / EFT Tapping I wouldn’t be where I am today. I feel like I have control of things, most of the time. Please don’t get me wrong, I still have days of exploding, but there are fewer explosions and I manage my emotions very quickly with tapping and then own it and repair things quickly, if required. By repair I mean apologise or open up with the person/people on the receiving end about what just happened. Not repair items because they’ve been thrown around the room – LOL.
Along the journey of becoming Certified I have ‘healed’ many parts of my life and now support people to do the same thing to live a happier, healthier and more enriched life.
What a joy for me and I am so grateful that I get to do what I do.
I will continue to learn from my mentors to ensure that I keep my skills and knowledge are best practice to ensure I am the genuinely helpful practitioner I can be for my clients. Thanking Alina Frank, Craig Weiner and Peta Stapleton.