His way works! Tapping to give up control
Can you give up control?
I had to. Otherwise, it was going to break me.
What I am referring to is things not being done my way. Because, clearly my way is the right way. Right? Wron
His way works. It might not be how I would do it, but he’s doing it. And, when I think about it, we all learnt from somewhere and feel it is the right way of doing it. Right?
So, to take the pressure off myself, because I found myself jumping in and trying to do everything to avoid reacting if he did it a different way, I have had to let go of things not being done my way. I have had to work through the stress, and at times anger, I felt when my partner did things his way.
I am talking about hanging out the washing, stacking the dishwasher, piling the dishes, not doing the dishes straight after dinner, not wiping the benches down straightaway, and the list goes on.
I know this sounds ridiculous, but I had such a visceral reaction when it wasn’t done my way, and it caused many a fight or seething/silent moment. Not pleasant.
My need for control and it being done my way came from somewhere. Hence, the triggering I felt.
Thank god for EFT/tapping. I have used it regularly to overcome this. It enabled me to explore where it came from and work through it. I didn’t like my feelings or reactions when these situations occurred. It wasn’t fair on my partner and it wasn’t fair on me.
Think about it. The list above are daily activities. I was feeling this a lot.
I can now happily report that I can walk into the kitchen and see the dishes stacked in a different way, the dishes in the dishwasher stacked in a way that would usually cause angst and calmly go about my business. WOOT WOOT.
Am I alone here? Have you experienced this? Do you want to overcome it? EFT/tapping might be what you’re looking for. It has been a life saver for me - for us.
Give me a shout if you want to know more. Message me for your free 15 minute FREE consult and see if EFT/tapping is for you.