How many tears have you shed?
Have you just gone back to work after being on maternity leave or going back after working at home as the House Manager?
Do you have to leave your little one or not-so-little-one(s) at day-care or before and after school care?
How does that feel every time you drop your him/her off and leave them there for someone else to care for while you are at work?
If you are anything like me, I have been riddled with guilt, sadness, resentment and embarrassment. Yes, embarrassment. This might seem odd, but I was embarrassed that I had to go back to work when my daughter was only 6 months old, because we needed the money and, to be perfectly honest, because I wanted time out from feeling stuck at home.
But, then being at home with Rubes, I loved seeing her develop and change so quickly. I loved watching her peacefully sleep. I loved when she started interacting more with me. Going back to work meant missing some of these beautiful moments.
I was so confused and conflicted with all of these different emotions and thoughts.
The biggie was: shouldn’t I have wanted to stay at home with my daughter? What kind of mother am I to want to go back to work? Having this thought made me feel like shit. I love my daughter, but I love work too. Working makes me feel like I have a purpose outside of the home and that I am making a difference in some small way.
What to do?
I remember the first day leaving Rubes in the hands of the carers crying all the way to work just thinking about her being in a strange place with people she didn’t know, I didn’t know, and trusting that they will take care of my baby girl. Every time I left her, she was always fine after she settled, but I wasn’t necessarily.
Rubes has been going to day-care, and before-and-after school care, since she was 6 months old. I still have many moments of finding the drop off very emotional, particularly when Rubes is begging me to drop her off directly at school or not to leave her when we are at day care. DAMN HARD!
All I can say is, thank God for EFT/Tapping. It has been my saviour and enabled me to get through these very trying and emotional times. It has ensured I don’t arrive at work with my makeup dripping off my face from tears or my heart racing or feeling sick the whole day. I am also fortunate that Rubes is open, not all of the time, to tapping. So this brings her BIG EMOTIONS down and we usually part on a very warm and happy note. Not all of the time, but most of the time. It warmed my heart the other day when she was feeling funny and asked if we could tap. Music to my ears.
Do you think EFT/Tapping could help you if you’re expressing distress at drop off time or even feeling guilty for working? Give me a buzz and we can talk more.